
Montag, 10. März 2025

Chapter 28 - Surprise

 Music Inspiration

Chapter 28


The ASCENSION had escaped.
There was an oppressive silence on deck.
There were wounded people everywhere who were being cared for.
Manticore patrolled the area to prevent further surprises.
Danny held Cecile in his arms. She had a blank stare.
Dexter's death had hit her.
Sedalia sobbed. Lysander...
Duke took her in his arms and tried to comfort her.

Alexander Alcazar sat with his back to the main mast and stared into space.
How could this happen?
Glenervan stood in front of the rightful king while ASTAROTH circled over the ship.
"Pull yourselves together!" said Glenervan.
Alexander looked up. "It's over."
"Are you serious?" Glenervan crossed his arms.
"Look around. The fleet is destroyed," Alexander said.

"You lost 2 ships, well then that's the way it is. But you still have a ship. Thanks to the sacrifice of a few brave souls, your opponent will no longer be able to do so."
Glenervan shook his head.
"3 dragons and 5 ships. Ascandar has never had a fleet like this before! Who knows what will come next. I don't want more deaths. That's pointless."
Alexander replied angrily.
"And if so. As long as you breathe, Freedom breathes. I've served the wrong side long enough. It was good to change sides. And yes, I want to take revenge." Glenervan shrugged his shoulders.
"Revenge is a bad counselor," Marianne said.
She and Ascendary are joining in.
"SHE, she's the key!" Glenervan pointed to Marianne. "She has to go to the palace. So nothing is lost yet!"
Alexander got up, waved his hand and hobbled away.
"What a loser!" Glenervan shook his head.

"He's just trying to protect his people." She ran her hand through Ascendary's feathers.
"There is only one ship over. Good. But the surprise effect is on our side," Glenervan said determinedly.
"We have already been surprised. And not for the better," Marianne replied.
"The point went to our opponents. Good. But doing the unexpected can melt away any resistance."
Glenervan smiled.
"I doubt it," said Marianne.
Suddenly, Glenervan grabbed her and gently turned her around and before she could react, his lips were on hers.
"Mmmmmmh..." it came from Marianne, who waved her hands wildly.
This was also too fast for Ascendary. He looked at both of them in surprise.

Marianne's hands became calmer and she threw her arms around Glenervan and pressed him to her.
A loving sigh could be heard.
Slowly he broke the kiss and looked at her.
"You see. It can happen so quickly."
Marianne smiled and kissed him.
"Then let's go to the palace!"
Ascendary shook his head and rolled his eyes.

Samstag, 1. März 2025

Chapter 27 - When Giants fall

 Music Inspiration

Chapter 27

When Giants fall

Marianne stood silently on deck of the ASCANDAR.
Ascendary stood next to her and looked into the distance as well.
She stroked his feathers.
Duke stepped beside her.
"A kingdom for your thoughts, Marianne," he said.
She shook her head and looked at the RISING HOPE flying next to the ASCANDAR.
So much has happened in the last few days.
She looked at Ascendary.
Lysander and Sedalia joined in.
Marianne turned around and looked at Lysander helplessly, almost pleadingly.
She had turned to him after the "dream", because she felt that he felt exactly like her.
One piece of the puzzle fell into the next and the picture slowly took shape.
Lysander had then touched her forehead and Ascendary's and made an indescribable connection.
He knew what she was hoping for. But he couldn't.
Sedalia took Marianne in her arms comfortingly.

Dexter, Cecile and Danny joined in.
Everyone stood around Marianne in silence.
Suddenly, a strong jolt went through the ship, followed by an explosion on the side.
The flying ship slumped to the side, causing everyone to slide over the deck.
Astaroth slammed his claws into the deck, which prevented him from slipping.
Glenervan held on to him.
Some sailors were less fortunate and fell over the Rehling into the depths.
Lysander transformed into a wyvern and pushed against the ship, which brought it back into balance.
A huge explosion occurred on the RISING HOPE and tore down the huge sail masts.
A second explosion tore open the side of the RISING HOPE, with which she finally lost.
The ship crashed burning into the depths and hit a forest, where she completly exploded.
The third ship, the ASCENSION, turned away.

Lysander pressed against the shipwreck of the ASCANDAR.
It quickly became clear that only Lysander stood between them and the crash of the ASCANDAR.
Then Marianne saw the cause of the explosions.
5 more airships had appeared on the side and they were not alone. A huge red dragon, bigger than Astaroth, flanked by 2 smaller dragons, flew towards the last 2 ships.
The main royal force had found them.
Alexander Alcazar looked at the fleet in shock.
"Save ... you...." roared Lysander in pain.
"What about you?" Sedalia cried desperately.
"GO!" he roared. "I can't keep it up much longer.... GO!"

The first Manticore left the burning ASCANDAR. They could carry up to 3 people with great effort.
They followed the retreating ASCENSION and landed on the deck.
Marianne and Duke swung onto Ascendary, who immediately rose and grabbed the desperate Sedalia with his claws.
Astaroth looked at the Lysander Wyvern with great respect, and Glenervan slammed his fist on his chest as a token of appreciation. Then Astaroth rose with Glenervan, Cecile, and Danny. Cecile looked around in surprise.
Where was Dexter?
Dexter ran across the deck. He knew only too well that these dragons would catch up with the ASCENSION. So he has to do something.
Astaroth moved away from ASCANDAR.
"Dexter!" cried Cecile.
He reached the steering wheel, which had been abandoned in the meantime, and tore it around.
Lysander looked at Dexter and guessed what he was up to.
He nodded to Dexter and so the wyvern pushed against the ship with all his might.
A huge fireball missed the turning ASCANDAR.
In the meantime, all Manticore had reached the ASCENSION. But none of them could save all of them, as the ASCANDAR was larger than the ASCENSION.
A few magicians who stayed behind casted a protective shield around the ASCANDAR.
2 smaller fireballs hit the protective shield and one of the mages went to the ground bleeding.
The ASCANDAR had reached its final position.
It was now flying directly towards the enemy fleet.
The big red dragon understood what Dexter was up to and thrust forward with his claws when he realized that fire didn't work.
Dexter clamped the rudder and ran inside the ship.
2 remaining sailors accompanied him and led him to the only room of the ship that could still be dangerous to the enemy fleet

The powder chamber!

To save many, sometimes the sacrifice of less is needed.
The red dragon pressed on the protective shield with all its might and tried to break it. He was supported by the two little dragons.
Another mage collapsed due to the pressure.
Of the 5 ships, the second seemed to understand what was coming.
They turned the wheel in the hope of escaping, but they rammed the first ship.
The ASCANDAR had almost reached the fleet.
The Lysander Wyvern cried out again in pain, then his strength left him.
The ship tilted to the side, the mages fell, and the protective shield dissolved.
Below deck, Dexter smiled and lit a torch.

The ASCENSION was now out of sight of the action.
A huge explosion occurred in the distance, followed by more explosions.
Then... Silence.

Deadly silence.